Miroslav HLOSTA
Born in 1946 - native of Krnov. He graduated from a civil engineering school in Ostrava and worked as a construction budget accountant in various construction companies. He started his musical career in the Youth Wind Orchestra under the direction of music teacher Mr. Dospiva (as a cymbal player together with his brother Václav and Jiří Crha). At the Krnovsk music school, he became a member of the student dulcimer band led by Štěpán Kotek, which collaborated for several years with the children's folklore ensemble RADOST from Vrbno pod Praděd with leader Miroslav Poláček. These mentioned practices, together with his instrument talent, became a good preparation for working in Technik music, of which he became a member in 1964. After the emigration of the founding primate Zdenek Mráze (summer 1969), he took over his position as primate, which he holds today. Over the years, he has worked his way up to one of the leading places among Moravian primates - both technically and stylistically.
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