Year 1940. He came to study at VŠB after graduating from the grammar school in Ostrava-Vítkovice. Already in his youth he acquired a relationship with serious music. He played solo and in ensembles. He joined the VŠB music department shortly after its foundation (1958-9). For a short time, he worked as a third baseman, before long he became a counter, which he still is today. He worked in Technik music until 1983. During his work in the music department of VŠB, he was also the artistic director of the Lubin music group for a short time. In the 1980s, he led the children's music club at LŠU Ostrava-Zábřeh (which was also attended by the young Jan and Pavel Rokyta) and trained a number of quality musicians in it. Today, Lipka works in music.
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