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He was born in 1934 in Kyjov. His father was a glassblower and came from Strání-Květná. From a young age, Jožka had a talent for both music and sports (running 100m). He participated in a number of violin competitions, in which he won several awards. After graduating from the Kyiv gymnasium in 1953, he began his studies at the VŠB, where he immediately joined the VŠB music department led by František Hromek and, due to his high level of interpretation, became its second primate. From 1955 to 1968, he was a member of radio music ONDRAŠ. Technik worked in music until the mid-1980s, when due to health reasons he ended his musical activities. He went to musician's heaven on December 22, 2013 in Kyjov

Copyright © 2024 Pavel & Tomáš Rokytovi & Cimbálová muzika TECHNIK Ostrava.