Bohuslav SCHENK
Born in 1938 - comes from Silesian Ostrava. After graduating from the Higher Industrial School of Mining in Ostrava, he began studying at VŠB in 1957. A year later, when the "new" musical group of VŠB was founded, he joined it as a double bassist. Despite being a self-taught musician, he was able to master the instrument at a very good level thanks to his talent and diligence. He was the bassist of Technik music from the beginning until the beginning of the nineties, when he retired from music due to health problems. Throughout his professional life, he worked as a mining technician at various OKD mines, later as an employee of OKD's general directorate.
Copyright © 2024 Pavel & Tomáš Rokytovi & Cimbálová muzika TECHNIK Ostrava.