Alois STAŠEK (1937-2012)
Born in 1937 - a native of Karolín near Tlumačov. He studied cello at the Ostrava Conservatory with PhDr. Ivan Mérka and then worked in his professional life as a member of the opera orchestra of the St. Theater in Ostrava and then a member of the orchestra of the Janáček Philharmonic Ostrava. He devoted himself to folk music in a number of ensembles - the music of the Ládi Ševčík Ensemble at the DK NH(KG) Ostrava-Zábřeh, the small music of Czech Radio ONDRAŠ and the music of Technik. He worked there during the 70s of the last century, until the arrival of Jiljí Dybala.
- died on 2/4/2012
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